
Social media is the answer to all of my marketing problems! #MMMM #3

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February 25, 2013 by alextalksdirect

Out of the 7 billion people in the world  and counting…there are 1.06 billion Facebook users! That’s a whopping 15% of the worlds population…Congregated in one place…Online!

As well as Facebook…There are hundreds of other social networks with user numbers ranging from as little as 50 users upwards….and this is set to grow.

Specific social networks for people interested in dogs, cars, cats, music, weddings, fashion, food, reading, art, fish, paper clips….Well maybe not paper clips, but you get where I am going. There is a space online for everyone with any interest to congregate (this is not always for the best!).

My point however is that what about the other 85% of the worlds population that are not on Facebook?! Or the consumers, buyers, purchasers out there that are NOT one of the 500 million twitter users?

What are you doing as part of your marketing activities to target those people?

I believe in social media, and you better believe that it is here to stay…But I also believe that small businesses are missing a real trick when it comes to other elements of the marketing mix….

How different would you be in today’s world of over full inbox’s to send a personal letter?

How about displaying a promotion in your shop window?

Or handing out free samples at the next big event to come to your town?

Let’s not even forget about utilizing the internet in other ways with and advertising on it?

Retailers still need to drive customers footfall into stores.

E-tailers still need to drive traffic to the website.

Businesses still need to increase brand awareness and open the door for their sales team.

Don’t forget that marketing has a whole mixture of activities out there for you to engage with customers and drive sales, the best ones to use are dependent on your customers….

Don’t forget about them…Just saying!

The Marketing Mix by Alex Beardsley of Talk Direct Marketing Marketing Management in Cleckheaton West Yorkshire

The Marketing Mix by Alex Beardsley of Talk Direct Marketing Marketing Management in Cleckheaton West Yorkshire

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