
Spread the love!


October 4, 2012 by alextalksdirect

It is getting more and more common for me to experience a random act of cyber kindness and it really has improved both my work and personal life and restored my faith in people in general.

Not that I seriously fell out with the world, but the media and the news seem to focus mainly on stories that make me depressed, even Facebook was becoming a ‘News feed of Doom’, but suddenly this has changed and my life with it!

If I look at September alone via the world of Social Media I have;

  • Received feedback about my website and business
  • Achieved a record number of views of my blog
  • Received more ‘shares’ RT’s and Profile views than ever
  • Converted two new clients
  • Attended an event to motivate the next generation
  • Borrowed a pair of hair crimpers
  • Conversed with many intellectual, funny and knowledge people …….

All from the comfort of my office, arm chair or in some cases in bed!

This my friends is the age of social media and I have completely embraced it. It is not a fad, it will not go away it is our new ‘camp fire’.

When it comes to social media there are two people who I feel personify the term and are out-and-out ‘Cyber Socials’, of the type I can only one day aspire to be.

Pan Aveyard (@panaveyard) of 2 Yards Media The first person I spoke to about social media that was coming at it from the same place as me……I have learnt lots Pan and long may it continue….Check him out if you also need to see the light…Or need your Android sorting!

And last but by no means least…A lady that is an absolute trooper and wonderful to boot, the lovely Sarah Firth (@FirthSarah) or more commonly ‘The Firthinator’ of Bradford Cancer Support….This lady is tireless and uses social media for the most good it could ever be used for….Help her this month in her quest to ‘Turn October Pink’…Give something back to someone who is constantly giving….

Social media and out!

3 thoughts on “Spread the love!

  1. Many thanks Alex

    I thought to myself, ‘that’s happened to me too’ – until you got to the hair crimpers lol
    …and I agree, Sarah is a mega-star!

    I’m proud to have started someone else off on their journey.
    I’m a guide, and it often stresses people when I direct them on the uphill path, because it’s uncomfortable at first. But after a while, you reach a level, and it’s all downhill from there…

    You are now part of a community that helps each other out, glad to see that you’re enjoying it.

    Keep spreading the good word 🙂

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